My swisscash contact [alexmunn] Wednesday, April 04, 2007 18:26
seems abudho doesnt want you taste the honey that is swisscash.
Here is my contact. His name is Mohd Zaidi Hassan.
He is a swisscash dealer. from 1 dec 2006,swisscash lauched swisscash dealership program. this means they do not accept direct money wire transfers from global investors. Money has to go through the dealers.
So the point here is you send money to the dealer then he buys you epoint and credits your acount automatically.
Here is his swisscash address :
informing him that you have signed up under him into his group then the chap will guide you through the whole process.
sounds like some schmuck but believe me thats the way to go.
to succeed in this life you've got to make risks. The BIGGER the risk the FLATTER or FATTER the bank balance.
Dear Masinza [abudho] Wednesday, April 04, 2007 08:55
Hi, $100 is too little to start investing in anything,but lets assume that you have $100 every month to invest,then here you have a catch. Why do i say that? To get a clear cut return (your desired returns) you gotta be very patient with the $100 lest its reccurent for each month for at least 6 months. In other words $100(7000KES) alone is too little to invest and get a desired return in Kenya or anywhere else,eXCEPT FOR THE GET RICH QUICK SCHEMES FLOCKING THE CITY STREETS,the likes of DECI,GLOBAL,BRIGHT VISION,blah,blah blah Fish cake! Personally,i think these schemes (Ponzis) are only beneficia to the early birds. Those who join later have very high probability of loosing there money.
In Kenya,things are tricky. My advise,invest the $100 in (if your familiar with the forex trading platform) then from the returns invest in any other risky investment plan e.g Swiss Cash,yes! its risky. Anything offshore is risky. With this plan you wont feel the pain of loosing any money because u'd have pocketed back your $100 and invested the profit from
Happy hunting man!
Invest wisely,its your money,its your decision.
Adios! (sic)
Offshore Investments [Masinza] Tuesday, April 03, 2007 21:28
Ihave the minimum that you have mentioned ($100) for investing in swisscash.How do invest the money here in kenya localy? pls advise
SWISSCASH [alexmunn] Tuesday, April 03, 2007 19:54
Swisscash is not for the faint hearted. You only invest the amount you can AFFORD to loose.
Fact is,its working. So whether they have a fake address or they are operating from the moon or PLUTO is not the issue here. The issue is are you getting what you want.
If someone is afraid of DECI and yet its working and its run by us Kenyans what about SWISSCASH?
Fact is,its located in Commonwealth of Dominica on the Carribean ISLANDS. A very beautiful country,people,natural scenes and very romantic hotels and resorts. It’s a destination place for Weddings and relaxation escapades. Wanna visit there? I got some contacts.
to succeed in this life you've got to make risks. The BIGGER the risk the FLATTER or FATTER the bank balance.
Global Markets exposure. [wits] Tuesday, April 03, 2007 12:03
swisscash based in usa [innocent] Tuesday, April 03, 2007 09:11
Do some googling and you will find that swisscash is based in the USA. They are lying about where they are located. And for what reason? Your guess as good as mine!
"Swisscash Is an offshore investment scheme based in Commonwealth of Dominica on the Carribean Islands and is run by Swiss Mutual Fund(1948)."
Visit my personal development website at
Swiss Cash [abudho] Monday, April 02, 2007 16:56
FYI Swiss Cash minimum investment is $100 not $800. And yes i just got my $200 SIP profit last month.
Every offshore online investment has a risk tagged to it,and only investors with balls can join.
A word of advise from my "financial fathers" in high risk investment plans,only invest what you are comfortable loosing.
I started iby investing $1000 for two reasons.
1. So that i can become a Swiss Cash Financial Planner immediately. 2. So that i start by earning a minimum of $100 ROI per month
So far so good,Its your money,its your choice,Its your decision. is your link to financial freedom.
Be careful [satsli57] Saturday, March 31, 2007 16:04
this is what i found on swiss cash: So u decide if it is real or fake. I personally think it is fake!
Offshore Investments [winnie] Friday, March 30, 2007 16:32
There are offshore investments that one can make.Most of these investments are done through companies located in tax havens hence your investment grows taxfree,other benefits include diversification in currency,markets and assets.Some of the minimum required for lumpsum investments are 5000,10000 or 15000 pounds.
The returns can be as high as you want them to be and that will mean that your funds ae put in high risk funds.
Though there is an investment that guarantee capital protection and can also enable one to specify the protection level.These investments that are mentioned above are medium to longterm minimum 5years.
Anyone interested should mail me
An active investor is always well informed
Offshore Investments [winnie] Friday, March 30, 2007 16:32
There are offshore investments that one can make.Most of these investments are done through companies located in tax havens hence your investment grows taxfree,other benefits include diversification in currency,markets and assets.Some of the minimum required for lumpsum investments are 5000,10000 or 15000 pounds.
The returns can be as high as you want them to be and that will mean that your funds ae put in high risk funds.
Though there is an investment that guarantee capital protection and can also enable one to specify the protection level.These investments that are mentioned above are medium to longterm minimum 5years.
Anyone interested should mail me
An active investor is always well informed
1000$ Minmum [dijkstra] Friday, March 30, 2007 13:10
I understand Swisscash takes a minimum of 800k and I think this is a big amount of money to risk. Of course your investment with these guys is not secure,u may lose ur money 1 day.. and there is no way to follow up.
Swisscash [alexmunn] Friday, March 30, 2007 11:34
Swisscash Is an offshore investment scheme based in Commonwealth of Dominica on the Carribean Islands and is run by Swiss Mutual Fund(1948).
You get 300% interest in 450 days. The fact that its offshore makes it above the risk tolerance of some people so if you've got guts then follow this link and checkout for more information.
Am in swisscash and the scheme is working. they nortify you bout anything regarding your account by sms.
to succeed in this life you've got to make risks. The BIGGER the risk the FLATTER or FATTER the bank balance.
south africa [half_empty] Friday, March 30, 2007 10:03
has anyone got tips on investing in the joburg stock exchange....
Swisscash [ratty word] Friday, March 30, 2007 08:30
Has anyone tried Swisscash? I read on the net and they seem to have good returns. Am however bila idea how to invest,and if it truly pays.
Offshore Investments [Masinza] Thursday, March 29, 2007 18:21
Thanks wits
But then give your contacts and phisical address
many will want to contact you.
International markets. [wits] Thursday, March 29, 2007 13:27
Hi ratty world and sanny,
Yes its possible to pay someone to do your trading on your behalf,thats what my firm does. Not just in currencies but international stocks,indices and precious metal. The advantage is that its quite transparent and you can take advantage of the market as it moves up as well down. Returns depends trades but conservatively at 4 % p.m is a guide,but there are no guarantees.
International markets. [wits] Thursday, March 29, 2007 13:27
Hi ratty world and sanny,
Yes its possible to pay someone to do your trading on your behalf,thats what my firm does. Not just in currencies but international stocks,indices and precious metal. The advantage is that its quite transparent and you can take advantage of the market as it moves up as well down. Returns depends trades but conservatively at 4 % p.m is a guide,but there are no guarantees.
Offshore Investments [sanny] Wednesday, March 28, 2007 11:01
yes,abudho who has been eating alone... why not take up the local agent position?
"The main reason people struggle financially is because they have spent years in school but learned nothing about money. The result is that people learn to work for money... but never learn to have money work for them."
egold agents [alexmunn] Wednesday, March 28, 2007 10:38
Offshore investments can be quite lucreative and are not dependent on the current political,social or economic situation of the country you live in.
you make profit from the goodwill and advantage other countries and markets have e.g. the bull run at japanese,indian,european and india markets.
anyway that's a topic for another day.
is someone aware of any egold agents in Kenya?
to succeed in this life you've got to make risks. The BIGGER the risk the FLATTER or FATTER the bank balance.
any agents? [ratty word] Friday, March 16, 2007 14:03
Is there anyone in Kenya dealing with forex trading at a fee?like you give them your money to trade for you?