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Topic: Rights issue - The marx  [2,644 views | 35 replies]
Tuesday, August 07, 2007 11:39

The likeness will meet and make merry but they wont know u,the u dats hidden in the castle of your skin.
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Rights issue [StartingOver]
Thursday, October 11, 2007 04:44


It looks like your brother bought rights at 0.20 cents each and then went ahead to pay for the shares at 14/= making it 14.20.  For me I went in and bought x rights at 0.60 cents.  I waited until the rights closed and then gave my broker 14*x kshs to buy the rights and so far so good.  Obviously if you made your payments at the same time and you are missing 600 rights,it follows that you are missing 600 shares too!  That would amount to 8520 kshs.  Your brother needs to keep following up with the broker such that if they can't trace the share+ rights,they can at least refund your money.  Pole sana and good luck!

Rights issue [g-lo]
Thursday, October 11, 2007 01:10

My brother bought the rights at 14.20 and paid for them the same day he placed the  buy order  - that was before the 28th Sep.  The Apex guy gave him a statement showing that he had bought the exact number of rights he had ordered to be bought.  But last friday,the statement was short 600 rights unlike the previous statement.
Rights issue [StartingOver]
Wednesday, October 10, 2007 16:31


I do not understand how that could have happended!  However,I think at this point in time we should be talking about Olypmia shares and not rights as the deadline to buy the shares that appartained to those rights you bought was on 28th september.  So now have you bought the shares yet (at 14/= per right)?  Are they also 600 less?

Rights issue [g-lo]
Wednesday, October 10, 2007 02:01

Someone pleases tell me what to do.  My brother bought Olympia Rights for me and was given a statement showing how many rights were bought.  Last week on friday,he went to the brokers - APEX and asked for a statement. The statement was 600 Olympia Rights less unlike in the previous statement. The Apex employee told him that the mistake was from NSE and that my brother should give him time to find out what happened. Is this normal people?
Stocks on the rise. [Wamukaro]
Saturday, October 06, 2007 14:24

I think the likely reason is that the investments are mostly out of the country and obviously offers a good hedge in case of a spill over trouble in an election year,one will have an egg left.  Read latest business news in the web site-

“Group chief executive Mr. Michael Matu in an interview with FS last week”


All from Him who knows all,think about it.
Take Over? [nyari]
Thursday, October 04, 2007 18:54

Wrote this on a different post A close friend of mine was telling me of a possible takeover of Olympia,it got me thinking a 3 for 1 rights issue is a sure way of a takeover if most shareholders renounce their rights and a big fish gets a hold of them...... Anyone with news
stock on the rise [StartingOver]
Thursday, October 04, 2007 18:10

Does anyone know why OCHL shares are on the rise?  Any news?  Thank you.
Rights issue [StartingOver]
Saturday, September 29, 2007 21:08

Finally I had my OCHL shares bought!  Now I know how the proces goes.
Thursday, September 20, 2007 11:44

I hope this link helps to enlighten those who may not understand 'rights'

Rights issue [StartingOver]
Wednesday, September 19, 2007 22:56

Why is this issue of rights having more questions than answers?  Is it the first ever at the nse,or are we all at SK green on the issue?  I will just hung on andtrust my broker do the rest.
Faida Stocks [VituVingiSana]
Wednesday, September 19, 2007 21:31

Contact Faida Stocks for queries since they are a lead stockbroker for the Offer.

[email protected]

Another contact would be at since they were the corporate advisor.

Greedy when others are fearful,Very fearful when others are greedy - to paraphrase WB
Answer [nyari]
Wednesday, September 19, 2007 15:49

I just talked to CRS this morning and they told me they sent the batch control forms to brokers yesterday. The brokers will debit your account with the number of rights purchased multiplied by  14/= which was the rights offer price and issue one cheque to KCB by the 28th of this month.
Has anyone bought shares after the right yet? [StartingOver]
Tuesday, September 18, 2007 21:14

Vitu et al.,

My broker is D&B. Naturally,after buying the rights through them,I thought they should go ahead and buy the shares provided I supply the funds.

Anyway,has anybody managed to buy the shares after buying the rights?  I mean buying the 14/= shares that one is entittled to after purchasing rights?  If you are out there,tell us how you went about it.


Thank you.

How do you calculate 70% [VituVingiSana]
Tuesday, September 18, 2007 09:39

mabrown - How did you calculate the 70%?

Isn't it too early since most applicants probably have not lodged the applications - Kenyan style - because they wait for the last minute. 

Though I agree that since there is not interest paid on the money so it makes sense to wait!

Greedy when others are fearful,Very fearful when others are greedy - to paraphrase WB
70% successful [mabrown]
Tuesday, September 18, 2007 09:34

You can visit Tsavo Investment Advisors who are Transaction Advisors to this issue,   for more info if you are a shareholder you have upto 28 september to pay up,as of last friday 22m share out of 30m shares had already been taken.

By the close on sept 28 other share holders would have taken the remaing bulk.

The funds will be used ;

for expansion,aquistion of machinery,boosting their plants in SA,Botwsana and Kenya.

Olympia is a Cyclical Stock as its in Building Materials and in sectors which perform in upturns of an economic cylce,wld recommend a buy for medium term.


Choks Capital
Go see coldtusker [VituVingiSana]
Tuesday, September 18, 2007 08:04

Pole. Actually,it seems this is a common complaint. Coldtusker's blog has written up on the process. I think it may help you.

Who is your broker?

coldtusker advice is to take your contract note (or statement) that has your CDS number & number of Rights purchased to CRS in Bruce House. They can offer guidance on how to proceed.

You will need a PAL which you should fill then attach a banker's cheque. Do this asap.

Greedy when others are fearful,Very fearful when others are greedy - to paraphrase WB
Buying shares after rights [StartingOver]
Monday, September 17, 2007 22:03

Vitu et al.,

I need to know the procedure of buying shares after buying the OCHL rights.  I know I have up to 28th to do so,but do not know how to go about it.  A visit to my broker was not helpful either.  I think the people at the counter/enquiries at my broker's office  know nothing more other than buying and selling shares; rights and their relationship with share purchases appear all too foreign to them.  Any ideas?  thank you'all.

Monday, September 17, 2007 08:42

Like every other good deal stuck in town,I think NIC is also awaiting CMA approval ( just like CFC etc).

I wish they would speed up and reform like the rest of Kenya!

Business opportunities are like buses,there's always another one coming
Which Rights is next? [VituVingiSana]
Monday, September 17, 2007 07:38

When do NIC Rights start trading?

When will DTBK announce the price for the Rights?

Anyone in the know?

Greedy when others are fearful,Very fearful when others are greedy - to paraphrase WB
577,000 Rights in 1st hr [VituVingiSana]
Friday, September 14, 2007 11:30

After the ad & article in Nation,the Rights have traded a higher price & like yesterday in large quantities. has made reference/copied the article. CEO expects 100% subscription.

Greedy when others are fearful,Very fearful when others are greedy - to paraphrase WB
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