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Topic: BUDGET - Mankenya  [1,583 views | 29 replies]
Thursday, June 12, 2008 14:18
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At what time is AK increasing the Manufacturer's Recommended Retail Price of TUSKER to Kshs 150?

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Remove their ability to change salary [bapfrancis]
Tuesday, June 17, 2008 19:00

The tax on the mps allowances is excellent news. Now we need to lobby to have them enact a law denying salary change without referendum. And only for members of the august house after. That way hopefully they will be less selfish
BUDGET [across]
Tuesday, June 17, 2008 15:48

@ SG

an elephant,the other two are extinct

Odd one out [MuchNo]
Tuesday, June 17, 2008 15:14


An elephant - when they've existed the other two have a pea sized brain!

BUDGET [invet]
Tuesday, June 17, 2008 13:32

a honest MP... the other 2 exist...HAHAHAHAHA.. nice one
Who sets u the rules? [SG]
Tuesday, June 17, 2008 13:19

Which is the odd one out;

A) An elephant

B) An Honest MP

c) A Dinosaur

and why?

BUDGET [steve.m]
Friday, June 13, 2008 17:03

Vile beer imerise guys befriend an army guy,barracks beer + wine  na whiskies  ni cheap near half price but you must behave those people can nyorosha you mpaka uwe sober si uongo.

lie is a tragedy to those who feel while to those who think its a comedy
The Capital Markets [Samaki jnr]
Friday, June 13, 2008 12:16

I wish the Brokerage firms' paid up capital would have been increased to KShs 300m instead of the KShs 50m suggested. The volumes of cash these people deal with compared to what they hold as paid up capital is obscene. But at least it's a step in the right direction. I still think a thorough review of the Corporate governance requirements of both brokerage firms and investment banks has to be undertaken to safeguard investors' funds.

i stil do not know where AK intends to get funds to support the bloated government. Despite the loss of jobs,the government should start trimming its workforce. I have been to an office where you have like three secretaries. One types hand-written documents,one takes phone calls and one makes tea!

For KQ shareholders a boost it seems as VAT on international air travel is zero rated. As for Telkom's CDMA wireless,....welcome to the excise duty world where there will be a level playing field with the rest of the wireless world.

Friday, June 13, 2008 12:10

dont rejoice just yet with regards to MP's salaries being taxed. remember they can still vote them out when they begin debate on the budget proper...
BUDGET [gkchege]
Friday, June 13, 2008 09:07

The infrastructure Bond,internal debt redemption and loads of goodies for various ideas are really what make this budget a good one to a certain extent.

Am particularly happy that import duty on bikes is off (hata kama ni only upto 250cc) eliminating VAT on rice and bread will help,easing import of maize (hata kama only for the reserve) is also not bad. Means our own production can go into the food market and dilute prices a bit. Football - finally we can run a better league now.... Our sportsmen have some handsome tax advantages.

My main concern - did anyone catch something on fuel prices? The highlight - MPS to be taxed on ALL allowances!! Hapo amewashika!

BUDGET [invet]
Thursday, June 12, 2008 23:49

Things the budget should contain

1. BIG reduction in fuel tax...(tax contributes to more than 50% of price) that  will def spur growth and reduce inflation.

2. reduce government officials pay,
(not just tax their allowance)  MP's are robbing us blind,and these lazy f*****ers  dont care about anything but themselves...

. these massive budget defecits and reliance on donors is going to screw us up..
financially- its going to increase inflation which is already to high.
morally- we have become a country of beggars,  begging foreign countries for loans and grants to fill our defecits.. shame on us
also we have the highest inflation and lowest growth in east africa.. very sad
BUDGET [mlefu]
Thursday, June 12, 2008 18:39

AK,with the 65 billion for roads shld include a clause giving priority to international contractors,nothing against the locals but so far the few long stretches done by the chinese and koreans are worth it.......Pondi,other services.hah   forgothari!!!

now its your turn...YES! keep smiling
Thursday, June 12, 2008 18:19

can AK also tax "other service providers".... akina makwere and kiunjuri would protest!! and mlefu......
BUDGET [doh]
Thursday, June 12, 2008 18:04

My best one- MPs; constitutional office holdersetc allowances to be taxed. They didn't seem to mind though going by the foot thumping. AK told them something about income disparity may cause the next violence in the country.

Nothing on CGT.

Any shareholder of a brokerage or investment bank with more than 25% cannot be part of management. Also mentioned Gikiavah's name.

info is money
BUDGET [Njung'e]
Thursday, June 12, 2008 17:38

Nothing on CGT then???...............that indemnity on SBs will do them fine....conmen..... and i hope it includes  forfeiting spouse and allowing customers to eat their children...Hehe!!
BUDGET [ecstacy]
Thursday, June 12, 2008 17:28

Some things I've heard:

Zero-rating of VAT on International travel to Kenya done
Same for motorcycle imports of engine capacity of upto 250cc
Import duty on cement reduced from 45 to 25%
Removal of import duty on all telecommunication equipment
Removal of import duty on all Computer Printers done
Zero-rating of VAT on Bread & rice proposed
Duty on wheat reduced from 35% - 10% for an year
Minimum Capital for banks raised from 200m-250m to Ksh. 1B. To be done over 2yrs.
Insurance companies allowed to invest upto 10% in the stock exchange
Stockbrokers to take mandatory indemnity cover for clients to cover for any employees embezzlin clients money.

To work with Privitisation Committee and identify more govt divesture

There is no path to peace. Peace is the path.
BUDGET [kachero]
Thursday, June 12, 2008 17:23

As i write this the price for my favorite Ruaraka beverage,has been adjusted upward! Kimunya arrogantly put it 'As u can recall ,last year i made a modest 2sh per liter  now i have to make these kenyans proud...........4sh per litre(2sh per bottle) Ngai fafa
capital gains tax on shares coming in todays budget [reox]
Thursday, June 12, 2008 17:05

..........CGT on shares trading!!!!!!...........and the death of NSE starts today midnight......if this is true.


Be proactive not reactive
capital gains tax on shares coming in todays budget [Hip]
Thursday, June 12, 2008 17:00

Shall not happen,will not happen.

Kimunya knows better that to try public financing route.

Any economist worth his salt will assure you that.

You can never fail if you never give up
capital gains tax on shares coming in todays budget [redice]
Thursday, June 12, 2008 16:48

REDICULOUS... will they compensate on a loss making stock???
How will they track this?
capital gains tax on shares coming in todays budget [Chaka]
Thursday, June 12, 2008 16:46

Has a percentage figure been given for the tax or one will declare in their tax returns?
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