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NSE Index: 3,162.43 (down by 5.62 points)    |     Express - 12.75    |     Kenya Re-Insurance Corporation - 11.50    |     Rea Vipingo Plantations - 14.00    |     Kenya Commercial Bank - 21.25    |     Housing Finance Co - 14.25    |     ScanGroup - 23.75    |     Mumias Sugar Co. - 5.90    |     Equity Bank - 135.00    |     Kenya Oil Co - 69.50    |     Barclays Bank - 48.25    |     Bamburi Cement - 170.00    |     Standard Chartered Bank - 155.00    |     CMC Holdings - 14.35    |     Diamond Trust Bank Kenya - 65.50    |     British American Tobacco Kenya - 129.00    |     TPS Eastern Africa - 49.50    |     E.A.Cables - 24.25    |     AccessKenya Group - 17.00    |     Kenya Airways - 24.00    |     KenGen - 13.00    |     Sasini Tea & Coffee - 5.55    |     Safaricom Limited - 3.25    |     National Bank of Kenya - 38.50    |     Total Kenya - 30.25    |     Athi River Mining - 81.50    |     CFC Stanbic Holdings 5.00 - 65.50    |    
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Barclays shares stir market - Wednesday, February 21, 2007

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