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NSE Index: 5,111.01 (down by 48.31 points)    |     Standard Group - 55.00    |     Unga Group - 13.50    |     Car & General (K) - 51.50    |     Total Kenya - 32.75    |     KenGen - 25.75    |     NIC Bank - 59.50    |     National Bank of Kenya - 46.00    |     Equity Bank - 153.00    |     CMC Holdings - 14.75    |     AccessKenya Group - 26.50    |     East African Breweries - 161.00    |     Mumias Sugar Co. - 12.55    |     Jubilee Insurance Co. - 200.00    |     Nation Media Group - 332.00    |     Crown Berger - 40.50    |     Barclays Bank - 71.00    |     Kakuzi - 32.75    |     Kenya Airways - 57.00    |     Kenya Power & Lighting - 210.00    |     Standard Chartered Bank - 205.00    |     Sameer Africa - 12.05    |     Diamond Trust Bank Kenya - 88.50    |     Kenya Re-Insurance Corporation - 14.80    |     Express - 21.00    |     E.A.Cables - 40.50    |     British American Tobacco Kenya - 150.00    |     Athi River Mining - 91.50    |     Centum Investment Company 0.50 - 26.00    |     Eveready East Africa - 7.70    |     Sasini Tea & Coffee - 15.10    |     Housing Finance Co - 40.00    |     Rea Vipingo Plantations - 20.00    |    
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