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Home Analysis
Stock Profiler
Company: Athi River Mining
Sector: Industrial and Allied
Market: Nairobi Stock Exchange (NSE)
Par value: 5.00
Market value: 90.00
Shares issued: 94,000,000
Market cap (Mn): 10,058.00
EPS: 4.26
DPS: 1.25
Dividend yield: 1.17%
P/E ratio: 21.13
Trading status: Normal
Website: Click here
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Discussions on this stock
First Quarter: Half Year: Third Quarter: End Year:
31 March 30 June 30 September 31 December
Position as last traded on Friday, November 28, 2008
Average price: 90.00
High: 92.00
Low: 90.00
Shares traded: 4,300
Previous trading price: 90.00
Gain: +0.00
% Gain: +0.00%
Performance over....
Past one month Past one year Past five years Other...
High: 120.00 Avg: 99.13 Low: 84.00
High: 120.00 Avg: 57.44 Low: 14.45
detailed history
High: 103.00 Low: 93.32 Avg: 85.00
Short Profile
ARM was established in 1974 by Mr. H.J Paunrana as a mineral extraction and processing company and is now public limited company quoted on the Nairobi Stock Exchange.

ARM is in the business of the manufacture of :-
• Cement
• Quick & Hydrated Lime
• Sodium Silicate
• Industrial Minerals
• Special Cements and building products
• Fertilizers

P.O Box 41908,00100 Nairobi Kenya Rhino House, Chiromo Road, Westlands
Tel +254-020-3744620/17 3752240/41 Fax +254-020-3753676
Final dividend of KShs 1.25. Books closure 28-May-2008.Payment Subject to Approval. - [31 Mar 2008]
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