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Fantasy Stock Market - Top Players
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Competition: From Rags to Riches
Players: 1324
#PlayerTotal CashTotal PortfolioTotal Assets
1 Cliff 19,788,541.65 19,788,541.65
2 mwakevo 362,959.97 10,050,000.00 10,412,959.97
3 yaserbigchair 117.01 5,231,925.00 5,232,042.01
4 Mr Green 1,850.18 5,100,000.00 5,101,850.18
5 shobiz 4,225,531.58 4,225,531.58
6 Ken K 121.03 3,530,719.10 3,530,840.13
7 Pals 2,296,289.97 2,296,289.97
8 skatotsi 17.44 1,725,052.50 1,725,069.94
9 Jimmy 1,495,451.48 1,495,451.48
10 kongowea 10,896.50 1,228,500.00 1,239,396.50
11 Dizzy 3,904.61 1,189,550.00 1,193,454.61
12 Pablo 41.93 1,116,324.00 1,116,365.93
13 Jaymmoh 1,655.84 1,037,500.00 1,039,155.84
14 Simmy 1,271.40 782,100.00 783,371.40
15 Qoleheth 35,603.34 684,175.00 719,778.34
16 bmulama 304.25 644,280.00 644,584.25
17 Vick 638,405.99 638,405.99
18 Kubunya 620,431.37 620,431.37
19 Kamash 617.63 555,101.50 555,719.13
20 mukwano 168,320.60 294,450.00 462,770.60
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